Monday, December 31, 2012

California trip

Since we are unemployed and on the verge of nervous breakdowns we decided might as well drive to California and have them in warmer weather.

We were there for 19 days and they were glorious!

We got to have some real quality time with grandma and mom-mom mainly. We hung out with them pretty much every single day and I am so glad we did this. Jon also watched his grandma at night which I think she loved because the few nights he didn't do it she was not a happy camper with whoever else did the night shift. I saw my husband do things for his grandma that I never imagined seeing him do and it made me fall deeper in love with this man. I truly married one amazing guy and he just keeps on showing me reasons why he is the best.

We spend Christmas there and Bentley got to enjoy having some quality time with all of his cousins. Everyone drove in to spend the holidays together which is always a crazy fun time.

We swam, ate yummy food, went to a few parties, had lunch with grandma every day, went hot tubbing, went to a street fare, met our new niece, took the boys to a day at the park, played games at night, had a wedding, celebrated 2 birthdays, went to the casinos twice and so much more that I cannot remember this late at night.

Bentley got to have 2 date nights with mom-mom, got completely spoiled for Christmas, got stuck watching girly movies during the cousin sleepover, ran more laps around Meme's house than I thought possible, got to take showers in a huge shower, went swimming every day, caught the flu, cried a lot, missed home and his animals, fed ducks, ran around the Marriott while playing tug, rode his bike, tried more food than he ever has, ate more than ever before and so much more.

I got to have some girl talk with all the girls in the family, got spoiled and went to the spa, got an amazing facial, went out to dinner for a girls night while, went wedding dress shopping for my new sister-in-law, got left and forgotten at the mall by mom, felt like a teenager again, ate yummy grapefruits and so much more.

Honestly we were so busy the whole time, on the go every day. Thank goodness.

We all had a blast like we always do. We never want to come home but such is life and we are not trust fund babies no matter how bad we wish we were so back to reality to figuring out what we are going to do with our lives.

I know the Lord is watching us and knows our needs so I am trying to not freak out.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


We are now unemployed.

Sad day.

Now I know what it feels like.

The panic hasn't set in just yet.

I am afraid of what will happen when it does.

It is a scary thing to have to go through specially when neither of us have a college degree. Thank goodness that will change come May as Jon will be graduating, thank the Lord. So there is some hope there.

Since Jon is graduating in May and there is no job prospects we have decided to go sell security alarms this next summer. Crazy! My husband swore he would never do it but desperate times call for desperate measures. We will be selling for Vivint which is actually a pretty awesome company. I have a friend who has been working for them for a few years and I am certain he makes well over 6 figures. I am not at all expecting us to do that by all means but we are used to living off of a little amount of money so I just pray we can make the amount we have in mind. We actually had 2 teams trying to recruit Jon which was pretty interesting. Not sure we went with the right team but I guess we will find out this summer.

We will find out in January to what city we will be heading to come May. We will sell until August and then we do not know what we will be doing but we are not thinking that far in advance because with the luck we have had the last few months we figure we just cannot plan on anything going our way.

Well I always wanted an adventure and to get to live somewhere else with my husband so here it goes right?

Life sure is crazy.

I am trying to stay as positive as possible as not to have a mental breakdown cause in the last month I have honestly felt like I was on the verge of one. Positivity is a good thing and has kept me feeling calm so has praying like a crazy woman. I tell you my Heavenly Father sure is listening to me. At this point I am not asking for much just for me to feel peace.

So here goes to selling for Vivint!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pizza restaurant no more

After 4 years of my husband and I being business owners we had to close our pizza restaurant down. Probably one of the hardest things we have ever done. So much money went into that store, so many hours spend there, so many memories.

We were having to put in more money into the business to keep it afloat then we were able to take out plus we were working like slaves. I was there constantly and any free moment my husband had he was there too.

Can I just say that it is not an easy thing to do. Having to tell your employees who I just loved so much and having to tell your food guy, yeah not an easy task. I handled the employees while my husband handled telling the food guy. I am so heart broken from it all. 

The last month we were open we went through most of our savings thinking we would be able to get it back if I just worked more hours but sadly we weren't. 

Our last week was so hard. We were expecting to close our store down on the 22nd of December however the week before that our ovens started acting up and then our computer system crushed after the system did an update and we had to make the choice to shut down that weekend. Seeing your regular customers coming by and not being able to tell them you were closing or saying goodbye because we thought we still had one more week, broke my heart. I grew to love so many of our regulars. Sitting here typing this brings tears to my eyes. 

Our last day ended up being on the 15th of December and my husband and I were the only ones that worked it. The longest day of my life, no joke!

Funny story with this, we were having to buy food from Sam's club which is not that great of quality so some pizzas were clearly not coming out as they normally did. As I am probably having one of the hardest days I get a lady call and tell me how horrible our pizza is and how she will never come back and will tell everyone. I simply told her not to worry because that will no longer be an option for anyone, she didn't even know what to say. 

The last stacks of pizza I will ever sell

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day of giving

Well we are going through some really hard times financially, mentally, emotionally actually every way you can imagine. Life is just pretty hard at the moment. I will update more on this maybe on then next post however I decided that I HAVE  to make myself look at the positive things in my life which I have many of in my life.

During this Christmas time a lot of people are struggling we are not the only ones so I needed to forget about myself and stop having a self-pitty party so I figured a way to do that was by service. I came up with the idea of asking everyone in my family to donate food or money towards making some packages to give to some families around us that I know are financially struggling.

Can I just say that I love my family! Everyone jumped on board with me. Even my husband allowed me to donate some money that would have come in pretty handy for us but he knows I love doing things like this and helping others. It's what makes me the happiest in life. I rather not eat a few meals and help someone else.

We were able to get enough money to buy a good amount of food and make 6 boxes to give to these families.

I had my family join me in helping me wrap the boxes and filling them up. We had such a fun night doing this and knowing someone would have a little bit of extra food this month. I think I have started a  tradition that I will continue and hopefully grow into something big.

We do truly need to get lost in service and we would all just be so much more happier about ourselves and life in general.

I am certain this alone helped keep me calm and reminding me that there are others out there who are struggling worse than us so I needed to my dwell in my situation.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My wish

I honestly wish more than anything right now that we could get pregnant.

So not fair.

I am totally having a 5 year old tamper tantrum about this.

Makes me so angry when I hear girls complain about anything that has to do with pregnancy or new borns.

What I would give at this moment to be able to have nausea or sleepless nights. I have multiple friends who feel the same way but yet I see all over the place woman having children who don't really want to or sit there and complain about everything.

It's really upsetting!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

God knew we weren't ready to be parents

My husband always says that he believes God knew we weren't ready to be parents when we became pregnant with Bentley and that's why he send such a special little angel into our lives.

To tell you the truth I believe that more and more every day.

This child is something special and I know everyone thinks that about their own kids and isn't that the wonderful part of being a parent that you think your kid is just simply amazing.

It's funny cause we will get asked certain things about parenting and we normally tell people how it was for us but I get the feeling that its not the same for most people. Maybe we are just very relaxed and laid back kinda parents but my child has honestly been amazing from day 1.

From the get go he slept amazingly. We lost sleep but not like everyone talks about it. This boy can sleep, for example no matter what time you get him down he is not happy if he is woken up before 9am. When he was little and I stayed home with him he would sleep all the way to 10 in the morning with no problems and still go down for one or two naps during the day and be asleep by 9pm. I consider ourselves lucky. He was able to latch on pretty easy from day one and breastfeeding was pretty amazing for the both of us. Once he was getting close to a year old I kept on hearing everyone tell me to stop breastfeeding or it would be impossible as he got older. I kept doing it and felt guilty about it, next baby I won't feel guilty. I was super worried though that maybe people were right it would be hard but at 22 months he basically stopped breastfeeding on his own. No pain there and no crying it was a breeze. Then when it came to potty training everyone told me not to expect my child to potty train till after his 3rd birthday. So that's what I was expecting. At 2 1/2 he started getting interested in potty training so I bought some little toilets and put one in each room and let him run around naked all day long. He never had an accident. And within 3 months of doing that during the day and me not asking him to go or anything he had completely potty trained himself to go even at night. I was shocked. I expected it to be much harder.

As of lately, I don't know if it's the age or what but he has been the sweetest boy ever. He listens to me, is behaving like an angel, tells me sweet things that somehow he knew I needed to hear and honestly has made this last few hard months bearable.

I thank my Heavenly Father daily for this sweet spirit that came into our lives during hard times but has made them bearable.

Monday, November 19, 2012

There is still good in the world

Not really having the best days lately but trying as hard as I can to be happy.

In my hopes of having an ok day yesterday I invited my brother to go food shopping with me. At least I would have someone to talk to.

Since times are a little rough right now for us financially, we are on a tight budget which means I only had $50 for groceries this week. That's barely anything considering I have to get pediasure for Bentley and that stuff is expensive to say the least.

To keep Bentley calm while shopping and asking for junk food, which we can't afford, I bought him a happy meal, don't judge. So right the. I was down to $46 for food for the week.

I went about my shopping and figured I would get what was on my list and when I got to the counter I would put the must haves in the front and the other stuff towards the back. I told the cashier I only had $45 so to stop at that. It got $45 and I still had maybe 7 items left so I said sorry and that I couldn't get them. I wasn't sad cause this is something that has been happening a lot lately. I figure they could wait till next week.

I paid and grabbed my bags and left.

As I was walking out the cashier run up to me and handed me a bag. At first I thought I had left a bag since I normally do but no it was the stuff I wasn't able to pay for. She told me the lady behind me had paid for it.

Well that was enough to bring on tears galore. I run up to that wonderful lady who just so happened to look so much like my mother-in-law and gave her a hug and told her how much that meant to me. All she said was "oh honey no problem and Merry Christmas".

My faith in people has been restored there really are nice people out there. Made me feel so loved and grateful.

I will make sure to pass that forward at some point.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Can't do positivity

Well in hopes of trying to be grateful this month and see all the good around me I was writing this I was grateful for but when everything around you seems to be falling apart I just cannot brig myself to write down everyday what I am grateful for.

I know I have a lot to be grateful for even through hard times but honestly right now I just want to have a self pity party.

Every day is something new. This week I have not had one single day off and have had to cancel plans and put my child in tears as I tell him I have to go to work instead of hang out with him like planned.

I no longer get shocked when I hear bad news. Nothing surprises me. There are days where I feel something or someone has it out for me cause everything that could go wrong in one day will.

The crappy part is that it's not on a get any easier from here on till God knows when.

I wake up every day ready to love life and have my smile on and be happy and it happens but by the end of the day of I don't take an energy drink I am a complete downer.

Thank goodness my husband is has his sense of humor and continues to make me laugh. If it weren't for my sweet child too I don't know what I would do. This boy has been and angel as of lately nothing short of perfection, honestly. He wakes up every morning calling me precious and telling me how sweet I am and how much he loves me. So because of these 2 in my life I continue to wake up and try to see the good in life.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Today I am so grateful for the sweet neighbors we have always been blessed to have no matter where we have lived.

When we were first married we had amazing neighbors that lived right across from us and to this day I am best friends with the wife. She is more like a sister to me than anything else. Love her to pieces.

When we moved up north we had amazing neighbors right next door who came to our rescue whenever their help was needed.

Then in Ogden our neighborhood was filled with amazing people who cared and loved us.

Once we moved to our apartment where we live at right now we met our neighbors 2 floors below us. Its an older couple who fell in love with Bentley from day one and Bentley keeps on making them fall in love every single time they see him.

They have been so good to us. I have been able to go over and cry to her and just have her listen to me. They treat Bentley like a grandson. Are constantly worried about us if they don't see us for a day or so. I can go to their house at any given moment and just sit down and watch TV or just talk to them while Bentley plays with their dog.

It has been a crazy few weeks and I haven't been able to go over and visit for a while. I make sure I send Jon down there once a week to check on them and let them see Bentley but tonight I went over since Jon needed a few hours to himself to study and get a project for school done. They were so sweet and just listen to me and Bentley, played with Bentley and once I said I was leaving they asked me not to and to stay longer.

They sure made me feel good.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A day of rest

We have decided to start closing our restaurant on Sunday's since its no longer making enough to make it worth being open on a Sunday.

Even though this is a crappy situation for our business, I still am grateful because this means I get to have my husband with me for a whole day which only means, family time!

So grateful we will get to have a day of rest that falls on the same day as my husbands.

Family time means everything to not only me but also to Bentley. He is constantly asking when we are going to have family time or family date night.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


We seem to have the worse luck with car tires.


Just a week ago my husband got a flat on a very expensive tire. I am just hoping and praying that its fixable cause I don't want to have to spend $300 on a tire.

Then today we of course had a warning sign come on that said low tire pressure. What? We just had those tires put in less than a month ago. Argghh!

However I am so highly grateful that even though we have the worse luck with tires as of lately we still have cars that run and can get us from once place to another. In this freezer weather I am also so thankful that the heater works so we don't have to freeze while driving around.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Being a mother

Becoming a mother was a dream come true.

It is a huge blessing to have been able to have a child.

I love nothing more than being a mother to my precious angel who I love beyond words.

It is amazing watching your body change throughout a pregnancy but even more amazing is how your perspective about life changes the second they put that baby in your arms. Your life is no longer as important as it used to be. You do things that you never would have done for this baby. I love this about motherhood it really makes you an unselfish person.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Today I am grateful for a healthy body that up to this point has been able to find off sicknesses.

It gives me the ability to walk, run, use my hands in artistic way and care for my child the way I want to plus be a homemaker and wife. It also allows me to be able to do things for myself and not have to depend on someone else.

Up to this point (and I say that because things can change at any second) it has been wonderful to be able to use my body to its full potential.

I love how when you start to look at what things you are the most grateful about the simple things in your life are the things that stick out the most.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Customers I will miss

I have a few regular customer that I just love.

Most of them are older people and the second I see them it just brightens my day. I love happy older people, gives me hope.

This morning while at work customer came in and like always I have a smile on my face and he tells me "you have such a beautiful smile, don't ever give that up" and then he simply drove away. This man probably didn't know how much that meant to me. It totally made my day.

I am grateful for my customers who on a daily basis make my day with the sweet things they tell me.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I do not like politics. I feel I am being lied to. And this time every 4 years it turns people I love into people I try to avoid.

Both parties do it. They make fun of the other but this year it has been taken up a notch. It quite frankly makes me sick.

Cannot wait till this is all over and done with.

With that said I am super excited to vote since this is the first year ever I get to vote. Last time I was not a US citizen. So this is a very special election for me.

First let me say I never ask friends or family who they vote for because that means nothing to me. I am your friend no matter what and I have people on both sides that I love dearly. I think everyone really thinks, on both sides, that they are voting for the right person. So for this reason I never bring up politics, I do not like making someone feel any less because of their beliefs.

I grew up very liberal and to be honest I still am very liberal in a lot of my views. However there are 2 very important topics that make me vote republican. One being guns and two being taxes. Let me do a little explaining. I grew up with parents who hated weapons, they were talked about as if they killed people. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. I am an avid gun enthusiast, I love guns. We have multiple in our home that we keep very safe away from our child. I know how to shoot a gun and am not too bad. Whenever I am home alone my gun is loaded a ready to go in my safe. I also own a shot gun, I believe this is something good to own in case you need to feed your family and there is no money. One of the main reasons I keep guns is because there are bad people in this world now days. I want to be protected from them. These people don't go out and get guns legally so if we make guns illegal all that's going to do is stop someone like me from getting a weapon however the criminals and bad guys will still be getting their weapons thru the black market and now I have nothing to defend myself with. That is what I think about guns and why I cannot agree with the Democrats about this. Now onto taxes. Being a small business owner the way Obama wants to tax us will hurt me and any small business owner. Our store makes over $250 thousand a year however my husband and I personally maybe see $30 thousand after everything is paid for if we are lucky. As a small business owner you get taxed on your business earnings as if it were personal income. People talk about how corporations and small businesses get all these tax breaks but that just isn't so.

So here I go to vote for the first time EVER, hoping that Romney will win this election and he can turn this country around.

On that topic today I am truly grateful for the oppertunity I have gotten in this life to become a US citizen and have the right to vote.

Monday, November 5, 2012

New day, new beginning

Can I just say yesterday was bad. It started out good but ended horribly. I said some things to my husband that were horrible and hurt him deeply.

With that said, I am grateful for new days that gives us the chance for a new beginning.

Every morning we can wake up and have a new beginning, how awesome is that?

I am hoping today I don't screw up being a wife or mother.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My job

Today more than ever I am grateful for the job that I have.

With being a business owner there are some ups to it. I get to work my schedule around what is going on in my life. This makes it so I get to spend some days with my stinky man. This also makes it easy for me to take off any day I need for personal matters.

It has been wonderful to be able to do this.

I also am able to take Bentley in to work with me if for some reason I wasn't able to find a babysitter. There is no job where I would be able to do this.

Lord, all I ask for is peace

For the last 5 years, every October my life goes on repeat or at least it feels that way. It happens from October to January.

Our lives become unstable. It makes me a little bit sad since this is my favorite time of year.

I keep saying there is something I must not be learning and that I need to learn from this trial. Last year I was sure I had learned what I needed to learn and that was to have patience and trust in the Lord and not freak out. I handled last year pretty good for the first time ever. I guess that wasn't the lesson though cause we are back at it this year. Quite frankly maybe I don't want to learn a lesson because at this rate I now know how to handle this trial pretty good without freaking out and loosing it and in life once you learn the lesson you are supposed to, you get a new trial it seems. So I'll keep this trial any day.

However it still is a little big stressful and to be honest this year is probably the most stressful and somehow up to this moment I have managed to feel peace in the middle of chaos. For this I thank the Lord. It is such a wonder thing to feel some peace in your life.

Instead of asking the Lord to do things my way like I normally do I have lately just been asking him to allow me to feel at peace with whatever our situation will be. Prayer is a wonderful thing.

I know as it gets closer to Christmas things will get even more crazy and at just the thought of it has me fearing a breakdown but I'll keep praying and asking my Heavenly Father for peace. That's all I really want in my life, peace.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Today I am so grateful for the apartment we live in at the moment.

It has been our home for going on 3 years. We love it here. It truly has become our home.

I am so thankful that every night we have somewhere warm to sleep at. Where we can house our few belongings and where Bentley can run around like a crazy man playing.

We still don't know where we will be come December but at the moment we are here and that's all that matters for the times being.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Becoming a mother is one of lives best gifts. Also one of the most challenging things in life however probably the most rewarding.

I never knew I wanted to be a mom as bad as I do. There really is nothing better.

This little boy came into my life and changed it forever.

He is funny, sweet, super smart, a social butterfly (which I absolutely love), handsome and so many other things.

He has taught me so much in live and continues to on a daily basis.

Honestly, I am so grateful to have been given this amazing opportunity of becoming a mother. Best thing to have happened in my life.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My husband

November is always crazy.

Tons to do. Busy with the store, family activities trying to get our last outdoor outings, seeing friends and to top it off life every November seems to be a little unstable for us.

So in the hopes of seeing some positivity in my life I will post every day what I am grateful for in my life.

So let me get started for day 1.

I am so highly grateful for my wonderful husband. He has been a blessing in my life and more than I could have ever imagined. I would be completely lost without him and my life would be so boring.

He is the funniest guy I know. Can talk to anyone and be friends with anyone. Anyone who meets him likes him right away. He is also the smartest person I know. Oh and of course he is by far the best papa in the world.

I believe he was made just for me. I know that sounds silly but it's true.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

We had a crazy busy day.

I opened up at the store and it was a busy day there. I was hoping to get out by 4 however that didn't happened so we were of course running late. We dressed him up at my moms so they could see him in his costume.

We finally made it to his cousins house about 90 minutes later. We immediately went trick-or-treating. My child knocked on 6 doors and called it quicks. He said it was too spooky. He is so funny.

This was perfect though since he only got a little bit of candy so I won't have to throw it out since I can just give him one a day and be done within a few weeks.

He had too much fun with his cousins playing that when it was time to leave to go have a sleep over at his friends house he wanted nothing to do with that.

All in all one of the best halloweens so far. Oh it did help that the weather was perfect.

More pictures to come once I get them off my camera.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I feel like all children are bipolar.

Really, they are, it's my conclusion.

My child can go from super happy to full on tantrum in a matter of second and then back to happy like nothing ever happened. 


I am not sure how one does this.

Now I can go from happy to crazy in a matter of seconds but I haven't quite master the going back to happy like my child has. 

Example: today we are trying to my moms house and he is all happy talking to me while we listened to some music that was on very low. Out of no where, instead of asking me to change the song because he doesn't like it, he flips and starts screaming, yelling, crying and trying to get out of his car seat because the music was making his "ears bleed" not kidding. Then after what seemed like forever but I am sure was only a few seconds maybe a minute he was completely back to my normal child singing and talking to me like nothing ever happened. What!?!?!? 

I am left so confused after episodes like this and leave me with too many questions.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Things to know about owning a business

In owning a business I have learned many things.

First off, props to any business owner. It is the hardest job in the world, honestly.

I will never again become a business owner as long as I live.

From now on when someone asks me or says they want to become a business owner this will be my advice.

Be prepared to ruin your credit and by ruin I truly mean RUIN it. Like you will not be buying a house or car for years. Next if you are married it can cause major marriage problems. And last your mental state might suffer.

Now not all those things might happen to you but at least one will. My husband and I have had 2 of those things happen to us but every business owner we know of has experienced one or all of these things.

I normally don't tell people we are business owners because for the most part people automatically think "they have money" which is far from where we find ourselves.

I just recently had someone who does not own a business tell me that being a business owner is the easiest thing on the planet. It took everything in me not to smack him. I also feel like I am a dream killer by telling people all the negatives but honestly unless you open up a Mcdonald's you will struggle.

Friday, October 26, 2012

ADD meds

My husband has now been on ADD medication for a few months and it's amazing the difference.

Yesterday he forgot to take till a little bit later in the day which only makes for insomnia and having tons of energy late at night. Add that to my husband being a hilarious person on a normal basis and let me just tell you I didn't stop laughing all night.

He decided to carve his pumpkin while I was still awake. However I wake up this morning to a picture text of the other pumpkin he carved after I went to bed.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I have to share a story.

Owning a restaurant you see a lot of crazies. I swear people would like to think you are out there running a charity and not a business.

My favorite this week was an older lady who comes in asking about our $2.99 pizza. First of all we have ne'er sold our pizza for $2.99. We normally sell our pizza for $5 and a few months ago we dropped the price to $3.99 to try and get more business. Well food price has gone up so we had to bring the price back up. Mind you we have signs all over the store explaining to people that our prices are back up. So here walks in this lady asking for a $2.99 pizza. I kindly let her know that we have never sold pizza for $2.99, we did sell it for $3.99 but just like the sign said that I watch her read before coming in the price is back up to $5. She was clearly not happy about the dollar increase and let me know about it. Then she ask me what kind f pizzas were $5 I let her know a pepperoni or cheese. So then she tells me to give her a sausage I let her know that would be $5.99 well she lost it. "are you serious? Why so expensive? This is just ridiculous and a rip off"

Honestly I was dying laughing inside. People are so damn cheap sometimes. I really see people yell at us all the time over a dollar difference on their pizza. I am actually glad this woman left my store cause she was a mess.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Our business is not doing okay.

Who knows how much longer we will be open.

We have known this for sometime now and decided plan B needed to be put in place. Here is where the LSAT comes in. My husband has decided to graduate with an Economics degree and take the LSAT and apply for law school.

This has been a lot for me to take in and I am constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. About 3 weeks ago he went in and took the LSAT which has has been studying for 2-3 months for. We are crossing every finger and body part imaginable and praying like crazy that he did well in it. Our future depends on this one test, how silly is that but its so true.

We have our eyes set on multiple schools, most of which are in Southern California and one in Utah. This means unless a miracle happens and he gets into the law school at the U of U, we are making a HUGE move. Hundreds of miles away from what we have known as home since we've been married.

So much more than just this is going on, our lives at the moment are crazy to say the least. I feel like I am on a roller coaster with my emotions. They go from happy to sad to completely freaked out.

In about a week we will know the test results. I can only pray they turned out good enough.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Opposite of hoarding

Since we have less than 2 months before we have to leave this apartment I have started throwing thins out. Every day, if I have time, I go thru one area in the house.

This has upped my crazy, as my husband would say.

My husband is a little bit of a hoarder and I have the opposite problem. I won't say much but then one day I will snap and then throw everything in my way out. This normally happens about once a month however it have been happening about every other day. I have already given away at least 4 bags of my own personal stuff and about 4 of Bentley's things. However my dear husband for some reason just cannot let go of some things. I lie to you not, he has clothes in his closet that he has had since we got married and not once have I seen him wear but for some reason if I even mention giving them away it's enough for an argument. I gave up on that battle the other day.

However the other day while he wasn't home I went a little nuts and threw out more stuff than I should have cause now I can't find my computer charger, hard drive charger along with some other chargers. This made for a huge "I don't you so" from my husband after I was trying to download all my pictures onto the hard drive.

It's amazing though how much junk we have in this house.

This week I am hoping to go through the laundry area and kitchen. Hopefully the kitchen will start feeling less clutter soon. I should have done this a long time ago.

Friday, October 12, 2012


We gave our 2 month notice here at our apartment.

Sad day!

I have truly enjoyed living here but it is time to move on. We need to save money like crazy in the next 8 months before our big move.

Life sure is crazy and it takes you down paths you never thought you would have to go down but such is life and we are just learning to make the best out of it. There will be something out of all of this that we need to learn and I think we slowly are.

So now I start going through the house and throwing trash out like a mad woman. That is my favorite thing to do.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Quality time

This week has been horrible....

We were stressed out beyond breaking point. Jon had 2 midterms along with him taking the LSAT today. Jon's schedule along with mine which was working every single day from anywhere between 8-9am to 6-9pm. Thank goodness for amazing family who stepped in and helped care for Mookie if not it would not have been possible.

However that left no time for Mookie. I feel horrible. By this morning he was acting up a ton in the hopes of probably getting my attention. Poor guy. Finally after a long day at work, I took an energy drink to be able to handle what was waiting for me at home. Sure enough he was a ball of energy, crazy crazy! I prayed all night for me to have the patience to deal with it all and somehow pulled it off. He joined me at the supermarket and we talked the whole time about silly things. He was a perfect little guy. Then we got home made some hot chocolate with marshmallows and did some puzzles. He had a blast just laying on the floor helping me and to be honest so did I.

It's the simple things in life that make my life so meaningful. I am glad I was able to have that time with him and reconnect. Love that boy more than I will ever be able to tell/show him.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Life is hard sometimes.

We have had some rough couple of days where mental break downs have been a common thing. A lot of tears shed. A lot of wishing thing were different but they aren't.

Jon's sweet grandpa died. What a special man he was. He had the same kind of love Jesus had for human kind. A man who dedicated his life to serving others. Wish I could have known him in his prime.

On our way to the funeral we got some horrible news about our business which we kinda knew was coming we were just hoping not so soon. Then my sister, who has been watching Mookie for me found a job so I am left with no babysitter and no money to pay one.

That's when I could no longer take any more. My dear husband is due to take the most important test of his life next Saturday and should not be worrying about anything as stress can and will make it difficult to study and score high enough.

I know that things will work out eventually but in the moment I feel like my world is crashing down and nothing I can do about it.

In the process I am trying to keep it together as much as possible in front of my sweet boy as I don't want him to see me worried or sad.

I am hoping a just a little bit of a better week coming up and hopefully my husband can score high enough on the LSAT. Fingers crossed.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Clean eating update

We are doing pretty good and amazingly enough my food bill has gone down which is the total opposite of what I expected to have happen.

We haven't been drinking any juice or soda only milk and water. Having while wheat bread made by me, tons of fruits and veggies on my part Mookie however will not touch a veggie only fruit which I'll take as long as he is eating something healthy.

Giving up candy for Mookie was kinda funny, it was like watching an addict no joke. One day we were at a parking lot and he saw a piece of candy on the ground ways away and that child ran so fast to get that piece of candy it was hilarious. He has also searched our pantry inside out looking for candy. It's safe to say thought that he no longer looks for candy but chocolate is another story. He can't give it up so we have compromised that he can have nutella only if he eats it with fruit or a slice of whole wheat bread and if he has been an extremely good boy he can have a truffle or a cookie that has chocolate chips along with oatmeal and peanut butter. I have tricked him into thinking its not healthy by adding the chocolate chips.

All in all it's continuing to go pretty good. I find myself cooking more often and we also now pack our own lunches with left overs.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy happy

Was going to write a depressing post and had it half way written then I went outside to play with Mookie and saw a mother with her child who had some type of disability and could barely walk and that completely changed my outlook for the day.

It's so much easier to complain and see the negative. However how lucky am I that I have a healthy little boy who can play, run, scream and drive me nuts. Some people don't have that and wish they could.

I need to start being more grateful and instead of looking at the negative only look at the positive.

We had a great day as a family. We all went to work together and got a lot of our budgeting done for the next week. Then came home took Mookie on a bike ride then played "tag you're it" for a long time, that got him so tired he begged me to let him come home. We stopped by our older neighbors to check and see how they were doing. Then came home, Mookie snuggled in with his papa and watched some show while I prepped for tomorrows dinner and packed our lunches.

I know my life isn't perfect but I truly do love what we've got going on.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Everyone around me has either just had a baby, is pregnant or trying to get pregnant. I guess that's what you get for living in Utah. We get asked constantly when we are having another one which bugs me a whole lot.

When my husband and I got married we were practicing LDS so I figured we would have at least 3-4 children as that's what's the norm in the religion. I mean after all you are suppose to multiply and replenish the earth. We waited longer than normal to get pregnant and it took a whole lot to convince my husband and even when it happened I didn't have him convince it just happened, you know. I am so glad it did cause my life has been forever changed for the better.

However now that my son is getting older and understanding more he will say he wants a sibling, sometimes. I know that physically I am ready for another one and somedays mentally I too however I know that financially that would be the most irresponsible thing we could do as our business is not doing so hot and we are in the process of working on our plan B.

Even if we were financially stable though I am starting to get the feeling that my husband might actually not want to have any more. Anytime I bring it up and ask when we might be able to try again I get the feeling I am told whatever just to hush me up and that's it. He has told me before that he would be perfectly fine with just our Mookie.

Ever since I married him I have wanted more than one child. I don't want a big family cause I don't think I could handle that mentally but maybe 2 or 3. Now the older we get and the more we talk about it, it just seems like it might just not happen. What I am to do? Absolutely I said to him yesterday, I guess it is whatever he wants since he will be the main provider and I need him on board in order to make one, you know.

I wish I could just feel contend with just one child. Maybe once I get out of Utah I won't feel such a great need for more. I sure am glad though that I have and continue to spoil this child more now than ever. If he is my only one I can at least say I did my very best. I will just have to up my craziness with Mookie and make everyday that more special since who knows I might not get to experience this age with any other child.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Children at playground

First off, I never have or will claim to me the best mother or close to it. I am falling really short in that department. I also do not claim to have the best behaved child because he isn't. With that said, I am highly shocked at how bad some parents suck at being parents. Children learn from us parents. We are their number 1 teachers. I can tell how a parent is just by seeing how their child behaves. I know that's not always the case but for the majority of the time it is. For example if you see Mookie you can tell that I am a screamer. Honestly I need to change that but it's so hard. I am working on it. The other day I decide to take Mookie to the mall while my husband and brother walk around trying to find something. At first there was only 2 little girls and they were more than happy to play with Mookie. Then out of no where some little 2 year old boy shows up. From where I was sitting I could not see his parents so at first I was wondering who was watching this kid. Very quickly the boy started hitting one of the girls. She thought he was my son and came to tell me and that's when I got up to see if his parents were watching, which they weren't. They were on their phones. Which by the way I also do, however I try to look up every now and then and I know exactly where my child is at all times. Maybe I've got a talent, who knows. Mookies starts playing with some toys they have on the walls and this little boy comes up and pushes Mookie. I was very confused at first as this kid is way younger and shorter but my boy is just too sweet and wants to be friends with everyone. Mookie leaves and goes to another toy and the boy follows and does the same thing. I'm starting to get a little upset but I am trying not to fight Mookie's battles. I calming walked up to Mookie and told him to get away from this boy cause he was being naughty and to not let this little boy push him around and to stand up for himself. Mookie listened and stayed away. Some other older boys like 5 and 6 showed up and immediately the bully kid started punching them, smacking them, pulling hair. I was starting to get heated that this little boys parents weren't doing anything as kids are yelling at him to stop. So I left to go get dinner. An hour later I come back and they were still there but I had told Mookie we could go and play before heading home to go to bed. I now see his dad is laying on the floor with his tablet turned the opposite way of where the kids play the mom is still looking at her phone. Mookie starts to play with some other little boy that was there and everything was fine for about 10 minutes and then the kid starts hitting Mookie. I went up to him and told him not to touch my son. He stayed away for a minute then Mookie gets in a boat and this child run over to Mookie started spitting at him, hitting him and then poking his eyes. I lost my damn mind. No joke. I ran up so fast to the little boy screaming as loud as I could to stop and I told him he better never again lay a finger on my child. I then really loudly told Mookie. If I see this boy lay one more finger on you I better see you throwing punches in his direction. Well that finally got the kids parents attention so they called him over and the dad started to beat him. Wow......that explained it all. He was just mimicking what daddy does. I was so pissed at this parents it took everything in my power not to say something. Ok so what happened to teaching your children to be nice to other kids? What do people teach their kids now days? I was shocked. My husband however was probably embarrassed. He told me he has never seem me so angry and get up so fast and that saying a lot considering I have a short temper. Don't mess with my boy and you will be fine but you mess with him and mama bear comes out.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Giving up HFCS

In the process of trying to get Mookie to eat better I have started looking at the ingredients of everything I buy for him. Holy cow was I shocked. So many things I couldn't pronounce.

I came across something's that we're said about high fructose corn syrup and decided that was something that needed to go immediately. Why I haven't done this sooner is beyond my but better late than never.

I want to try and feed my family more healthy things and stop eating so much processed food.

I have been eating a pretty clean diet myself for the last few weeks and have felt pretty amazing. Barely any floating, no stomach pains and just in a better mood all around. On Thursday I was on my way to Salt Lake County and stopped by In and Out for a cheese burger cause lets be real that sounds super yummy. However almost immediately after eating it I got a massive headache, I was bloated and my stomach hurt pretty bad. Later that night after my massive headache which might have been a migraine cause I had never felt a headache more painful than that I started to think to myself that I just cannot eat that junk anymore. It's not worth the pain.

For the first time in my life I went shopping for some organic food, which is pricier than other stuff but so worth it. I have talked about doing this before and my husband just looked at me like I was crazy but this time it's been different he is totally on board.

It has been hard getting Mookie off sugar and sodas. I learned that if I get him a Jones soda which uses cane sugar he doesn't drink as much and one bottle will last a few days. Same thin with organic cookies, he has one and then won't ask for another for a few days. I am now making my own bread since the bread you buy at the market it filled with preservatives and HFCS plus my bread taste yummier.

Let's see how this week goes with our eating. I hope to not eat out one single time lets see if I can do it.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

6th wedding anniversary

Honestly we are getting old.

Hearing myself say that I have been married for 6 years sounds super old. However these last 6 years have gone by way too fast.

I love my husband to pieces and am truly a lucky girl.

We are not perfect, we fight, we argue but at the end of the day we know what's important to us and that's each other and being together. We truly are in love with our little family.

A few weeks ago like I had said Jon surprised me by getting us a room at a hotel for the night. It was perfect. We stayed at the Monaco Hotel. It was beautiful and the room was super big.

We went out for dinner than walked around holding hands and kissing like teenagers. I love doing this ones in a while to make myself feel not so old. I loved that we stayed in downtown. The next day we went to City Creek and walked around and got us some yummy dessert and enjoyed talking with no distractions. We had a blast.

Our celebration of course came to an end and Jon had a class he needed to show up to.

All in all one of my favorite anniversaries! My husband did good.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Getting old

For Jon's birthday I wanted to surprise him but as always that's close to impossible. I can never hide anything from him or he always tries to get me to tell him what it is. This year to keep that from happening I just didn't plan anything till last minute and got his gifts the day of his birthday. I actually was able to surprise him with the gifts. He found out what the plans for his birthday were since I played it off that we weren't doing anything he started to make plans himself so I had to tell him I had already invited some friends over for pizza and cake. We had a blast that night with our friends and family. We laughed lots while the kiddos ran around like crazy people and when I say children I mean my child. He was crazy since that day he had been drinking Pepsi and Dr.Pepper and in my attempt at keeping him happy and from flipping out. It worked he was a happy boy however had more energy than I knew what to do with. Jon plays the guitar really well and is a pretty amazing singer. He plays the guitar and sings to Mookie and I almost every day. He got a new guitar one year for his birthday since his old one got a crack in it. However he never bought a case for it since they are super expensive. A few months ago I decided for his birthday I would buy his a guitar case. I started putting money away but I was not aware that they were so expensive. On the day of his birthday I went to the guitar store and realized that I just had enough money to buy him a case and nothing else. I was pretty bummed since I also wanted to get him a watch. After talking to the guy there he showed me one that had a hard shell but the outside was soft and it was half the price of the others which was perfect since it would leave me enough money for the watch and a Ninja Turtle my husband had been wanting. When I gave my husband his gifts he was totally shocked and kept on saying how he hadn't even though about me getting him a guitar case. I love seeing the shock on his face and how excited he was. All in all a very fun birthday for my husband. He said it was one of the best!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


From the day I married Jon he told me birthdays were that important to him. Which is the total opposite of me. I have normally tried to do something special for his birthday and the last 3 years I have gotten friends and family to go with us to Lagoon. However this year no one could come.

At the beginning of the week Jon mentioned something about his birthday week. I was all like whaaaaat? I couldn't believe my ears. I am breaking him down. This is a very good thing. I love celebrating birthdays all week which he always made it seem weird.

Since he never is into birthdays I didn't plan anything this year but of course this is the year he wants to have a 2 day celebration.

Tomorrow is his official birthday but today started the celebration. This morning he decided that we should go to Lagoon since we always do that. So off we went without checking the weather. Holy cow!!! It was hot. 100 degrees hot. Yeah that's not amusement park weather but we stayed there for about 4 hours and had fun.

Then off to have Jon's birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse. His favorite place. Which is always yummy.

In between Lagoon and dinner I send Jon in to toys'r'us to get a game and he comes out and tells me "well I bought myself a gift from you" before I even looked in the bag I knew what it was and I was a little sad because that was one of the things I was buying for him to give him at dinner tomorrow. It happens to be a ninja turtle and not just any ninja turtle but a huge one that I had seen a month ago and knew Jon would love it. He is very big into ninja turtles. Yes I married a nerd!

The second we got home and Jon opened his ninja turtle it was came over. It no longer belong to Jon, it was now Mookie's. Story of our life......nothing is ever ours it's always his. I love how that works.

And how else do you finish the first night of a birthday celebration than by eating ice cream with a huge spoon.

I truly love my little family and am so grateful for my husband and everything he does for us. Thank goodness for him being in our lives.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Make life hard?

"Don't handicap your children by making their life easy"

I have a BIG problem with that quote. I don't know who said it or in what context but I see people post this on Facebook and pinterest ALL the time. And I believe those people mean exactly what it means to me how can anyone be ok with that statement? Do people realize how precious children are and how we only get one childhood? So why on God's earth will anyone choose the make it harder? Isn't life hard enough?

I think and believe that you can parent and discipline in a positive happy way without making your child's life hard.


Enough with my ranting about random stuff. I wonder what other people think about this though.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Last Thursday I went to the gym for the first time in at least half a year. I tried running on the treadmill only to have my knee start to hurt pretty bad. Weird, that's never happened. So once the pain came on I got off and decided to do some weights.

I haven't lifted weights in about 3 years, no joke, so I started off with the weights I used to lift with and to my shocked I was able to lift heavier weights. I guess all this carrying Mookie has helped make me stronger.

Then I did some sit ups and it hurt pretty bad so I only did 5 sets of 15. I was completely wasted by then. The next day I felt no pain on my shoulder or abs so I figured I must have done it all wrong until the day after that. Holy smokes, I was in a ton of pain and still am on my abs. Really I am starting to wonder if I did something wrong cause this feels like after giving birth. I asked my cousin who knows a lot about fitness if it was normal and she said since I haven't worked those muscles out in a long time they will hurt pretty bad at first.

I'll tell you what I've never realized how much you used your abs on a day to say basis. Everything hurts! I might be crazy though but I am going back to the gym tomorrow to do more abs work outs.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Another fun hike

I did another fun hike yesterday.

I got my mom to come watch Mookie since last time it was a disaster. I also invited my cousin and her husband to come along.

I am glad I did cause we had a blast the whole time. They brought one of their dogs and it was actually fun having and watching the dog running back as forth and protecting us.

What a fun couple of hours. Nature truly is beautiful and stress relieving.

Once we were pretty high up I got to see the leaves on some trees changing colors. Some were starting to turn yellow and some were turning orange. Made me sad and excited all at the same time. Seeing that only means summer is almost coming to an end but fall is next ad that one of my favorite time of years. I just love the colors I get to see, so pretty.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cooking healthy

Like I said I have been cooking more and enjoying it. I am once again trying to slowly get back on weight watchers and eat healthier plus have less sugar and carbs in my diet.

I think I am addictive to sugar, no joke, when I try to stop having it its all I can think about and I get grumpy. Really it's crazy.

I am trying to use more truvia than sugar.

The other day I pulled out the stuff I had in my fridge and just came up with dinner. I made a stuffed zucchini with lean ground beef and string beans with a side cucumber, tomato salad. Way yummy. For dessert I made some watermelon granita which turned out delicious and sugar free, yumm.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Man date

Mookie and Jon like having a few "man dates" a month. It used to happen every Saturday but summers are busy so they haven't been happening as often but last Saturday Jon decided it was time for one.

He took Mookie to a family fun center where Mookie jumped on the trampoline, did flips, went on the bouncy house, played arcade games and played bowling.

They both had a blast and Mookie could not stop talking about how much fun he had. When I came to pick them up he made me go around the whole place while he showed me how he played the games. I love seeing how much fun he has with his papa.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Pool nights

It has been way too hot during the day plus I am barely home during the day as I normally work mornings so Mookie doesn't get to go to the pool as often as previous years.

However every time I ask him what he wants to do, it's always "go to the pool" so I am making an effort to take him at night after dinner. He really loves the water and being in the pool specially if kids are there. Once the kids leave he gets sad and wants to go home. He is such a social butterfly and I love it. I hope he never changes cause that is one of my favorite qualities of his.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Working it

I have been biking tons and by tons I mean at least twice a week so not really a lot but for me that's a lot.

However I will start biking even more in the weeks to come as we are now a one family car. Sad day but it leaves me no other option but to bike to work and back which I am ok with that.

I have timed my rides the last few times and am getting to excited by seeing the improvement in my time. I now look forward to my next ride.

I am also trying to cook more, blah, wish I didn't have to but this whole eating out is not working for multiple reason like the fact that it's too expensive and that it's not healthy at all. So I have been cooking and actually enjoying it. It's fun being able to make a yummy dinner using lots of fresh veggies and little meat.

I am hoping I can keep this up.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My thrifting finds

Since my husband decided to go all out on our anniversary plans there was no money left for cute outfits. I have been hearing a lot about thrift shopping and all the awesome thing you can find. So off I went to find me a cute outfit for our dinner date.

I had to do it with Mookie in tote and there was bribing involved in order for him to behave but it worked awesome cause he picked up some books when we got in and read them to me the whole time. I was at the store for a long time and tried on TONS of stuff, I did go to the fitting room like 3 times with tons of clothes each time but after looking around and trying on tons of stuff I finally found my outfit and I loved it.

I bought a pair of cute shorts that I loved how they fit. I found a super baggy shirt but loved the color so I made it work by buying a belt to go with the shorts. I already had shoes that would work. For the shorts, shirt and belt I paid less than $15. I was a happy camper and so was my husband plus he said I looked amazing.

I will be blogging about our anniversary getaway on our actually anniversary......

Monday, August 6, 2012


So yes as I stated before I dropped my phone in the creek and once I completely lost my cool we all hiked down the mountain, got in the car and headed down to the Walmart that is about 5 minutes away. Once there I send my sister running in to get me a bag of rice.

I knowing myself and that my track record, I have dropped at least 3 phone in water in less than 3 years, googled up a while ago what to do if your drop you iPhone in was so I knew to get the bag of rice.

Ok so the first thing I did once I took the phone out of the water was turn it off and dry it up as much as possible. Once I had the bag of rice I stuck that baby in the bag. I had read to leave it in there for up to 48 hours. When I got home I switched it over to a container with a lid and left it there while I was praying that this would work.

The next morning I wake up and go to the kitchen and start cleaning up web all of a sudden I hear my phone vibrating. Not wanting to touch it for 48 hours I didn't do anything but ten again. So I took the phone out to see what was going and it was back on again and working fine like nothing had ever happened and all my pictures were there.

So the moral of the story is......of you drop your phone in water turn that baby off and get it into rice ASAP.

The only problem I am having with my phone after all of this is that it won't hold a charge as long as it used to but I can live with that as long as I don't have to pay $250 for another one.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Anniversary getaway

We are celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary 14 days early since our anniversary lands the day before school starts back up again and my sister-in-law who is watching Mookie for us will be ready to pop any day in 2 weeks.

My husband has booked everything an planned the whole thing without much input on my part so I am super excited.

All I know is that we are staying at a nice hotel in Salt Lake City downtown close to everything I love.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Drive-thru movie theater

The other day I had, what I thought was, a fabulous idea of taking Mookie to a drive-thru movie theater.

Now I have been to one before about 7 years ago in Florida with a friend and had a blast. However we were in a convertible which made seeing the movie screen really easy.

Fast forward to last Saturday, we get Mookie all excited about it and take him to watch Ice Age. Worse mistake of my life!

You have to get there kinda early to find a spot so we got there about an hour before the movie and brought drinks and food which made the time go by fast. About 30 minutes in Mookie says he has to go pee....well they only have porta potties but I figure a toilet is a toilet right? Yeah, wrong, super wrong. We get in the porta potty and I lift up the lid and tell him to go pee, he looks in and immediately freaks out. And by freak out I mean screaming bloody murder while asking me where we were and what that was cause it was not a toilet, hahaha, I was hysterically laughing. While he is freaking out I figure I might as well go pee. Another big mistake! He freaks out even more seeing me peeing in there and tries to open the door, which is facing all the cars, so now I start to freak out and scream at him not to open it. We finally get out and apparently everyone could hear us cause as we were walking back to the car they were looking at as and laughing. Lovely!

I got back to the car and tell Jon to take him cause by then we were both traumatized.

Then let's talk about the fact that I felt completely out of place. People had their mattress out and couches.

Then the movie starts and I can't see a thing. Which I was ok with but then people start to smoke and that's when I start to get upset. I don't smoke because I know it's not a healthy thing to do and do not appreciate my child having to be subjected to second hand smoke. Honestly so rude! The other horrible thing was how hot it was. I like being hot, really I do, I believe that's why I was born in a tropical country, however this was way past my comfort level. I smelled so horrible I could not stand myself.

When you go you pay to watch 2 movies but after the first was over I told Jon to get me the heck out of there before I melted away. He wasn't sure we would be able to leave since the cars are parked pretty tight but there was no way I could make it any longer.

Another crappy thing was the mosquitoes had a feast on me, no joke. I don't camp for many reasons but heat and mosquitoes are 2 major ones. So yeah....lesson learned. Never....Again.....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dropping my phone in a creek while hiking

After our first hike a few weeks ago Mookie had not stopped talking about it and how much fun it was and how he wanted to go back. I was so happy cause this meant I had a hiking buddy.

So away I went planning our next hike. I got my brother and sister to come with us again and I prepare the food we were going to take up there and even bought an app for my phone to time how long it would take us to get up there so that I could time myself and go back often and try to improve my time.

Now I didn't check the weather for that day which from now on I will always do.

We get to our hiking spot and park get out of the car and right away Mookie is asking me to hold him. I let him know that was too early in the hike to be holding him since from there it could only get worse. Well he decided to have a melt down and I tried to reason with him but let's be for reals, you just cannot reason with a 3 year old. So then I decided to have a melt down and throw around a lot of threats, which he knows I won't follow through cause he had me wrapped around his little finger. After about 30 minutes of this happening he decides to finally get started. By this time my siblings were past the hard part waiting for us and once Mookie realized we were going up by ourselves he decided to cry the whole way up till we caught up to them.

We hiked up about 30 minutes until Mookie said he was no longer walking up and that he was done. We were all kinda bummed but I wasn't going to force him to go up. So we hiked down to a bridge we had seen to let Mookie play in the water while we ate our snacks. It was a really pretty sight so I took my phone out and took a few pictures until I dropped my phone in the creek.

I could have cared less about the phone but I once again was super sad about all the pictures that would be lost forever. I freaked out a little, well I out loud I freaked out a little but inside I was going off trying to hold it all in. I was only really able to hold it in for about 10 minutes before I fully exploded and decided I needed to get down the hill and to a Walmart ASAP to get me a bag of rice.

More to come on the bag of rice.......

Friday, July 27, 2012

Meme & Brae

We haven't seen Mookie's friend Braelee for a while now. Summer is always busy for everyone with vacations and family parties and work plus school, yeah it leaves no time for much.

I finally decided I needed some Ashley time and Mookie needed to see Braelee so we planned it out.

Brae was so excited when she saw Mookie walk in her house and the rest of the night they kept on hugging every once in a while. Way too cute!

Mookie sure does love the girls!

Adams Canyon

Mookie has been asking me to take him "rock climbing" which means hiking to him. The other day I told him if he wanted to go he would need to ask tio so that same day he asked to which my brother said "of course" since he lives hiking.

So we planned to go to Adams Canyon since at the top of the hike there is a waterfall and we all thought that would be fun.

So Sunday rolled around and off we went. The hike is less than 4 miles round trip however it took us about 4 hours total there and back with some rest time.

I would not believe it had I not been there doing it but Mookie hiked up all by himself with no complaining. I am so proud of him. I kept on telling him this would make him stronger and if he felt his bummy getting a workout to which he would respond "not yet mami, ask me later" I love that boy.

The hike was beautiful the whole way up and the waterfall was just simply amazing. We had an amazing time. Mookie fell asleep on the way down so between my sister and I we carried him down, which was hard so I need to find my carrier for him.

So doing this hike again. I feel re-energized and it was truly a great way to relief some stress. I do love nature.