Saturday, March 13, 2010

Update on sleeping

Last night was going pretty well until the hubby decided to go in the room and wake up baby, AHHH! Really? Then he proceeds to tell me that baby was waking up before he came in the room. Wow he must have some magical powers to see thru doors, hahaha. I eventually got baby back down but had to use the booby.

Then at 2am he woke up full of energy, WHAT? I was not expecting that. I tried to ignore him at first that didn't work then I tried the booby way and that didn't work so I was out of ideas. So after about an hour or longer we both fell asleep but he kept on getting up throughout the night. Lets hope tonight is not a repeat of that. I could not take another night like that.

Lets talk about tonight's bed routine...we did the same thing got him in the bath by 6:45 then feed him, did our prayer and read our bed time story, then turned the lights off and laid him down with me laying down right next to him. He cried for about 5 minutes then for 15 minutes he whined but by 7:20 he was out. Yay! This is really working, at least for the bed time part we need to work on the going back to sleep during the night.

One step at a time though.

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