I did it!
All 25 miles of it, without walking one single time.
I am so proud of myself, this has never happened and I didn't even practice for it. I had not done anything cardiovascular in about 4 months. I thought I would die for sure but no I made.
My husband also made it but he did the 55 miles and I am super proud of him, he did amazing.
I have a crazy story to add to this also...
At last minute my brother Aaron decided to come with us. At last minute he also decided he wanted to ride in the Tour so Jon's uncle let Aaron borrow one of his road bikes. The day of the Tour I got a ride by aunt Mary who came and picked Baby up since she watched him for me while I did the ride. Aaron went with my brother in law. Once I got there I called my brother in law to see where they were and he tells me he has lost my brother. I freaked out. There were more than 10,000 people there. How do you find someone, especially since he had no phone on him.
Each group started at different times. The 55 miles started at 8am and the 25 started at 9am. We looked for Aaron for about 2 hours, we even had him called thru the mic but he never came up. I decided to go on my bike ride and to just look for him at the rest stops and thru the ride.
I thought it would be easy to find my brother since he is skinny, tall and with what he was wearing I didn't think too many people would be wearing the same thing. Well to my surprise everyone was tall, skinny and tons of people were wearing the same color shorts and shirt. Ahh!
I looked the whole ride for him and prayed like crazy. My brother in law felt horrible for losing him.
My brother in law and I finished the race at about 12:15 and right away I started looking for him but we could not find him. I called Jon crying and he just didn't even know what to do. He was still on his ride and was having a hard time with his legs cramping up. Right when I was about to go talk to the police I see Aaron coming towards the car and he looked like he was about to pass out. He had gone off with the group who did the 55 miles. He finished it in less than 4 hours. Which is super fast. He said the whole time he was flying trying to find us or someone he knew and that he only stopped once to fill up with water. He is crazy. I had to stop at both rest stops to fill up on liquid and eat my energy bar and bananas. I cannot believe he did the 55 miles without any energy bars or energy boosters. Even Jon was shocked at how fast he did it.
All I have to say is thank goodness he found us. I don't know what I would have told my mom.
Now we all have caught the biking bug. I am thinking of saving up to buy myself and road bike and my brother is ready to buy a bike today. We are totally going to be signing up for at least 4 more bike rides this year. They are so much fun and when you finish them you feel so proud of yourself. Its such a self-esteem booster.
I am so sad that I didn't get any pictures of us. They take pictures during the ride so I will have to go and order them and then I will post them.