Ok so before I tell you about my Philly trip it has been a long, long time since I have written on her, so I'll tell you a few things. We found out we are having a baby boy and we are super happy about that not that a girl wouldn't have been great but both of us wanted a boy, it worked out for the both of us. We have now had 2 ultrasounds and the baby seems to be doing well. Oh we have picked out a name for our baby it is Bentley Steven Doulas. I love the name! Not too many of our family members do but we don't care cause Jon and I love the name. My best friend Jen has moved back to Utah and I am super happy to have her back. I have dearly missed her. Now I just need to make more of an effort to see her often. I know that Bentley and her little boy are going to be good friends. My brother will who is on a mission got transfered and he actually only lives 5 minutes from me so I get to see him often. I know I shouldn't and all that good stuff but the mission president knew that I lived here and he still put him here so oh well. I have seen him on the streets walking or he has come into the store to get free pizzas or I go and drop food and things off for him and his companion. I am actually loving having him close by. I'll enjoy it while it last. So I think those are all the major things that have happened.
Now about my lovely Philly trip, I got to go back home for almost 2 weeks. They were the best 2 weeks. Other than the fact that I missed my husband but I sure as heck did not miss all the drama back here. I had the most relaxing time back home it was wonderful. I got to sleep in and wake up to my mom's amazing cooking. I didn't have to do anything but eat my mom's food that I have so much missed and lay around all day. My dad was also off from work the whole time I was there which worked out great cause we got to do a lot of talking and hanging out. Gosh I really miss my family. Its funny how you sometimes need to be apart from them to really realize how much they mean to you. My parents are the most amazing people on earth, I think. I got lucky with them. Ok so my mom didn't know I was coming to Philly it was a surprise. My dad knew cause he had to pick me up but mom knew nothing. When I got home I knocked on the door and she opened it and just stood there forever looking at me like I was a ghost and then finally she started screaming and gave me a huge hug. We got to have Thanksgiving together after 3 year of not being together for it. Of course Will was very much missed but he is doing something amazing with his life. I got to hang out with Aaron a bit which is always good and of course I got to spend some time with Silvia not as much as I would have wanted to but she had to work. I also got to see my friend Mare who has a special place in my heart and specially her daughter Jordan who I babysat for about a year or more. I was so happy to get to see them and since she now has another daughter I got to see her all grown. Its always good to go back home cause I have so many good memories.

My brother Aaron and I out front my parents house

My dad and I decorating the Christmas tree, every one else was not in the Christmas mood.

Out getting the Christmas tree.

Silvia and I painting some onesies for Bentley.

We are at Penn's Landing.